Newsletter for the Rotary Club of Mundaring - Issue No.: 335 Issue Date: 14 Jun, 2015

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Australia’s Future in Safe Hands

Pictured above, with Rotarian Jan Milburn, are four inspiring young Australians who addressed the Rotary Club of Mundaring at a recent meeting. The four young people are Reuben, Marianne, Kira and Mereiki who attended the Rotary Programme of Enrichment (RYPEN) camp recently. All are from local high schools, specifically, Helena College and Eastern Hills Senior High School.

Each of the youngsters gave a short talk covering their recollections of the camp and while each speech was individual, they all contained a common theme. This common thread was: Uncertainty about what to expect, nervousness at the start, the joy of discovering that they were capable of much more than they had imagined, the new friends that they made, the fun that they had, the skills that they learnt and not wanting it to end!

When closing, each of these fine young Australians expressed their gratitude to the Rotarians and volunteers who ran the camp, and to the club, for giving them the opportunity to attend.

As each finished their speech, the feeling among the members and visitors was “Wow, I would not want to follow that!” But follow on they did, each one as good as the other and all earned the admiration of the audience for their clarity and confidence, leaving us with the palpable sense that Australia’s future is in very safe hands.


Lyle Favas


Rotary Youth Programs To read about the programs available for the youth of the district and to read testimonials from previous participants, click here

Meeting Rosters
International Toast
Toast Master
17 Jun, 15
Lorna Allen
Peter Schelfhout
Mark Williamson
Jim Morgan
Tim Norrish
01 Jul, 15
Mark Williamson
Lorna Allen
Mark Williamson
Jim Morgan
Ken Moore
08 Jul, 15
David Brockway
Mark Williamson
Tim Norrish
Fraser Davey
15 Jul, 15
Leslie Stratford
Bill Milburn
Mark Williamson
Geoff Francis
Lorna Allen
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