Newsletter for the Rotary Club of Mundaring - Issue No.: 796 Issue Date: 14 Apr, 2024

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Rotary Action at Andrew's Place

The Rotary Club of Mundaringcl was  approached by the Hills Community Support Group (HCSG) for help with some outdoor recreational structures to be built at “Andrew’s Place in Mucciarone Lane Parkerville and after meeting with HCSG’s Lee Roberts it was decided that the ideal solution would be a freestanding pergola.

The facility was named after Andrew Catchpole a former resident oif HCSG who tragically lost his life  in the bush in Mundaring in 2007.

Lyle Favas, secretary and Patrick Crichton, president, recently made a site visit to ascertain the feasibility of the project.  A design used in a previous similar project was adapted and redesigned by Lyle Favas and on inspection of the site it seems the design will work well in the site selected.

The chosen site.

This impressive facility (still not quite finished), will eventually house   12 disabled residents very comfortably providing individual rooms for residents and carers and also light and airy communal areas set up for easy disabled access for eating and recreation. Already there are garden beds in place for a planned veggie garden, provided by the inmates from Wooroloo Prison and I\the dwelling is in a very attractive bush setting.

At this time there are just four residents residing at the facility, but very shortly the facility will be fully occupied.

The Rotary Club of Mundaring is well set up to help with these sorts of projects and it didn’t take long for a project manager, Les Strafford to be appointed. Les and Lyle will manage the drawing of the project and the submission to the Shire for approval and then all members will be involved in busy bee when the structure is completed and ready for erection.

It is hoped that the project will be completed by September when the facility will be officially opened.

Lyle Favas,resident  Alan Watson, Jodie Millar Therapist, resident Garry Mann and Lee Roberts - HCSG.

Sub Editors Note: HCSG is now known as 'Rise' (which is not an acronym) and Andrew's Place is now complete and fully operational.


Author: Patrick Crichton

Published: 17 April, 2009


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